Sasha Graham’s Tarot Card a Day Blog – The King of Cups


Oh, how I love the King of Cups. He’s so deliciously my type . . .

Have you ever dated a King of Cups? Perhaps, you married one or maybe you’ve sworn off King of Cups characters for good.

If you are just learning Tarot, think of the court cards as types of people. It makes them terribly easy to grasp.

The King of Cups is strong, handsome and wildly imaginative. The King of Cups is the writer – think DH Lawrence, the poet -think TS Elliot, the musician – think Sting, the painter – think Henri Matisse, a comedian – think Ben Stiller, the director -think Steven Spielberg, the actor – think Johnny Depp.

The King of Cups is not the starving artist – he’s the wildly successful and acclaimed artist! This is a King we are talking about here . . .

The King of Cups paints you lounging in his garret in Paris, pens a script for you in the Hollywood Hills, dedicates books in your name from his cabin in New England. He fictionalizes your personality in a novel from his laptop in Soho and thinks of kissing you while lip locking a young starlet in a love scene at a studio in LA. He writes a heartbreaking song to you at 3:00am in Prague, cries out on stage in front of roaring crowds in Berlin – all for you!

The King of Cups ponders grand issues, universal themes and reaches for greatness. Holding your face in his hands, he decides universal beauty resides on your cheekbones, salvation dwells in your eyes and perfection of moment is attained with the stroke of your lip with his fingertips.

The King of Cups will find you the perfect gift because he can climb into a woman’s psyche and know what she wants. A man who understands what a woman wants will never, ever know loneliness.

The King of Cups sheds tears freely in your arms and laughs maniacally while tickling you. You see, the suit of Cups represents emotions, art, feelings and The King of Cups is full of nothing but emotion. He wields his emotion in an ultimately masculine, powerful way.

You will see King of Cups qualities in others but how often can you find them in yourself? When you have with a brilliant idea, are you able to execute it? If something strikes you in a particular way are you able to express your emotion through a work of art? Are you open with emotions? Is it easy or tough for you to jump into another’s psyche? If you were an artist, what type of artist would you be? What would be your medium?


  1. David Totty said,

    January 19, 2009 at 10:02 pm

    I always thought I had a bit of the King of Cups in me, but this artist is STARVING, so I am beginning to think that that’s not the case. Is there such thing as a King of Empty Cups? hehe

    I could sure use a visit from the king of cups! I’m in need for some compassiopn, love and success, but couldn’t we all? :o)

  2. tarotgirl said,

    January 21, 2009 at 4:05 am

    No worries David. You can always blame the economy . . .

    Compassion, love and success? I’d call on the Queen of Cups, Two of Cups and Ten of Cups! Better yet, start from scratch with an Ace! Don’t worry, things will get better.

  3. laurabruno said,

    February 6, 2009 at 11:58 pm

    Loved this post! The King of Cups plays a big role in Schizandra, and I’ve always liked this archetype. You PERFECTLY sum him up! 😉

  4. tarotgirl said,

    February 11, 2009 at 3:59 am

    Thanks Laura!

  5. David said,

    March 19, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    Hey Sasha! I know this is an old post, but since I have been getting to know my deck, I have been having big problems pinning this guy!!

    You have helped me so much, thank you! To think of the court cards as specific types of people makes it a lot easier to wrap my brain around them.

    Haven’t made it to the High Arcana yet, but I’m getting the Minor down pat!

  6. tarotgirl said,

    March 20, 2009 at 11:00 pm

    Hey David,

    That’s awesome! Glad I could help!

    Another great way to look at the minors is to recognize what the numbers all have in common. In other words, regardless of suit, the numbers share similar qualities. The two’s equal choice, five’s equal struggle, nine’s equal wish fulfillment and so on. It makes the minors easier to grasp and not so overwhelming!

    Happy first day of Spring!

  7. March 17, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    […] surprised to find it on Animals! I keep having dreams about the number 37, which corresponds to the King of Cups in the Tarot. My cup runneth over … Wishing each and every one of you an abundant […]

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